Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Improving Your Effectiveness by Improving Your Appearance

Research says that when people encounter you, what they are likely to remember is about 10% of what you say, 35% of how you say it, and 55% of how you look; which means that 90% of what people remember has to do with packaging, it has to do with the way you look.  If you look good and dress up, if you improve your appearance, people are going to pay more attention to you.  Therefore, my recommendation is to take pride in your appearance and improve it… press it, shine it, cut it, shave it, color it, curl it, brush it, elevate it, tuck it, and pluck it.  When you do, you’re going to look more attractive and you are going to have more pride in your appearance and people will pay more attention.  So, improve your appearance and the environment will as well.  

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